God's world or ours?
What is
your favorite destination? If you’re a traveler, the Jamison and Megalong Valleys where
you’ll discover the Three Sisters in Australia’s Blue Mountains, or the
iridescent blue of Lake Louise in Alberta, Canada may have captured your imagination.
Can you doubt God’s majesty when such magnificence grabs your attention?
King David
had wandered the rugged hills of Israel and rested beside crystal clear pools.
I wonder where he was when he wrote Psalm 24.
The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it. Psalm 24:1a
David spellbound by the vast expanse of the countryside, humbled by God’s exceptional
creative power? When he received Samuel’s anointing and later ascended Israel’s
throne, he already knew he ruled under God’s highest authority.
But how does God’s power apply today in our teeming cities where leaders of myriad persuasions pursue authority?
Nothing has changed, for, in King David’s words, “The
world and all its people belong to him.” Psalm 24:1b.
New York, Manila, London, Vienna, Rome or Jerusalem where people of every race
and color weave through the streets and cruise the highways. Some love God with
all their hearts, and others despise him. These differences can’t alter the
facts. We’re all creatures of God’s creation and we belong to him because he
formed us from the dust of the earth.
Why should everyone submit to God? Because he created us and the universe in which we live.
He laid the earth’s foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean’s depths.
Psalm 24:2.
The Genesis account of creation reveals God created the sea and lifted the dry ground from beneath the oceans. I can’t imagine the tremendous power he used to do this. Experiencing an earthquake is unsettling, especially when the ground shudders beneath you. Yet, from this earth shattering event, he has created exquisite beauty. The earth’s ascent from the ocean depths, coupled with the surging waves, would have created an incredible spectacle as God created continents and islands.
He is
everywhere. One might summit Everest, or plumb ocean depths, yet our Creator is
always near to us. He upholds everything and everyone by the power of his word.
can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to
the heavens, you are there. If I make my bed in the depths, you are there.”
Psalm 139:7.8. NIV.
Although God is everywhere, we aren’t always aware of him.
may climb the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy Place? Only those
whose hands and hearts are pure, who do not worship idols and never tell lies.” Psalm 24:3-4.
When Christians travel to another country, go on a pilgrimage or worship in a foreign church, they discover joyful fellowship with strangers who also love Jesus. He is in their midst, and that’s where we may find him. I’ve worshipped in a Filipino village church and enjoyed a wonderful visit with the pastor. We sang praise songs, listened to the Bible, and prayed together. On another occasion, I worshipped with the Lord’s people in a church in Portland, Oregon. They welcomed me and offered me transport back to my accommodation after the service. In my home church, we meet for communion each week. Jesus lives in and among us wherever we go. Jesus promised to stay with us and never leave us. Although we’re not on a mountain top, we lift our hearts in pure love and adoration for God, who has cleansed us from our sin through his blessed Son, and transformed our hearts.
stand in God’s presence to glorify him. He’s blessed us with his abiding
They will receive the Lord’s blessing and have
a right relationship with God, their savior. Such people may seek you and
worship in your presence, O God of Jacob.
Psalm 24:5,6.
King David sacrificed sheep to the Lord as
atonement for his sins, but Jesus’ sacrifice paid the final price for our redemption. If we
confess our sins and receive forgiveness, he gives us a pure heart. I John 1:9.
We’re free to worship him as the Holy Spirit leads us.
“Open up, O ancient gates…, and let the King of
Glory enter.” Psalm
King David envisioned the city gates of
Jerusalem, pleading with the people to open their hearts to the Lord. When
Jesus rode on a donkey into the same city centuries later on Palm Sunday, the
people heralded their king, David’s greater Son. They praised him, proclaiming
his sovereignty, recognizing his superiority over their human leaders. We may
echo their praise as we welcome Jesus into our hearts each day as we awake.
“Hosanna to the son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the
Lord.” Matthew 21:9.
Although they spread palms in his honor a week
later, the authorities crucified him. Was he the King of Glory?
Who is the King of Glory? The Lord of Heaven’s
Armies - he is the King of Glory. Psalm 24:10.
Yes! To the citizens of Jerusalem, his glory
had been stripped from him when he submitted to crucifixion because they replaced
it with shame.
But God transformed their heinous deeds into a perfect sacrifice. Never forget, our sin also held him on the cross. It wasn't only the Romans, but because Jesus loved us and submitted to the shame for our sake.
And in heaven’s courts, King Jesus had
conquered Satan, death, and sin. He is the King of Glory. He is victorious, and
God has exalted him above his fellows. There is no other name given among men
whereby we can be saved. See Philippians 2:5-11.
Whether we submit to Jesus or defy his
authority, he is Lord over everyone and everything.
worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness because he made us and cares for us.
As we submit to his authority, and accept his loving gift of salvation, we
become the citizens of his kingdom. He carries us through fiery trials as he rules
and protects us. The Prince of peace has fought for and won our peace, which no
one can steal. John 14:27. Since his way is best, will you submit to his
authority today? John 14:6. Does your heart burn within you?
He is
worthy, this mighty King of Glory.
are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created all things, and they exist because you
created what you pleased.” Revelation 4:12 NLT.
Will you join me in worship? I’ve just discovered this amazing version of a favorite worship hymn.
May God be with you until we meet at Jesus’ feet.
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