Fool or Fanatic?: a modern perspective on Psalm 14


FROM:  martin@***.com

TO:        meg@***.com

Hiya Sis,

   Haven’t emailed you of late, because I’ve been occupied with the builders and my business meetings. Our new apartments are going up fast. The inspector signed it off without a second glance after I offered him a week at our Coffs Harbour beach house. Of course, he didn’t question those wall cracks because we patched them before he arrived.

 We’re contributing to society and I’m darned proud of our achievements. The block will provide housing for single mothers and strugglers. These bums appreciate having a roof over their heads. Once they’re all settled, we’ll up the rent, and if they leave, I can the stock to the highest bidder. City location and all that.

 I'm a prominent operator in the building trade, and I can’t afford to let our lifestyle slip. The kid’s college fees are an excellent investment in their futures, and we’ll broaden their social education on a Caribbean cruise next summer. Once you’re successful in business, appearances are key. I met a celebrity on the Paradise Golf Course last Sunday and persuaded him to invest in the Sunshine Coast project. I bought the land from a retiree who had moved into a nursing home. Quite a steal! He didn’t have a clue about market values. Each apartment will fetch 2 to 3 million.


 What’s your latest adventure? How can you tolerate sitting through boring church services every week? What a load of codswallop. Get real, sis. Sophie and I have succeeded without God. We always donate to the hospital cancer center at their annual dinner and last week, we won the president’s award for our generosity. Society needs good people like us long before pious hypocrites. Forget about God; religion is just a time-wasting opiate for the ignorant masses.

 Join us on the cruise, sis. Can anything surpass relaxing on a sundeck?




FROM: meg@***.com

   TO: martin@***.com   


Hi Martin,

  Thanks for your email. I knew you were alive because I saw the report you posted about the charity event on Facebook. Just kidding! The offer of the cruise is tempting, but I’d prefer to use the money for another purpose.

Yes, I sit through weekly church services and actually enjoy them. Those ‘bums’ are my church friends. We provide them with childcare and they pack food parcels for the community between their factory shifts. Rent increases are one of their worst nightmares, never knowing where they will live or how they will provide a stable home for their children, but as we pray with them, we see miracles. We share God’s love, and they discover he is a refuge, rather than a prop. They know their weaknesses and are amazed when they find a better job and learn new skills.

 God was alive before the world began because he created it. He’ll be alive long after we have died. Good deeds are great, but when will you face the fact pain and suffering catches up with everyone? If life takes a turn for the worse, what will you tell God? Or if you met him? When we’re on our deathbed, money will buy us nothing better than a coffin.

 We think we're good when we help others and live successful lives. God calls the morally corrupt person a ‘fool.’ According to the Bible, God’s standard is absolute perfection, which means no one is good. I’d prefer to enjoy a relationship with Jesus because he has forgiven me and his honesty is both challenging and refreshing, but his peace is my greatest comfort. When I meet impossible situations, I sense his presence, and I am never alone. Are you confident in this as an atheist?

I hope you enjoy your cruise. While you lie in the sun, could you devise a plan to ease the tenants’ rents in your apartment blocks? If they know Jesus, their eternal future is secure, but I keep wondering about yours. Although you label the Bible as a pack of ancient myths, I find it relevant to 21st century living. There’s a story in Luke’s gospel, and I hope you will never share his experience. A rich man constructed larger barns for his wealth, but Jesus warned him he’d soon die. Who would grab his wealth when he lay in his grave? Another rich man man went to hell, and in his torment, he begged Abraham to cool his tongue, but the patriarch couldn’t span the massive gulf between heaven and hell. Where will you spend eternity? Check Luke 16:26  if you're interested.

  Martin, I’m praying you’ll realize we all will meet our Creator. Sure, enjoy life while you can, but I think the Bible’s relevance to modern life will surprise you if you read it again after these many years. Please don’t be a fool in God’s eyes. I love walking through life with Jesus, and I am praying one day you will discover God is real, and he loves you. Dad and Mum always hoped and prayed the same for you. 


                                                                                 Much love,   


                                     The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." Psalm 14:1 


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