Wars, worries and personal peace.


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 Worried, and you wonder ...

A meditation on Psalm 2

                                                                                       Photo attributed to Freepik.

 The news bulletins fill the airwaves, their words heavy with worry and despair, casting a shadow over our hearts. How long will the world suffer? Will the tide ever turn?



                    God offers us hope, and if we’re wise, we'll accept it.



       Let's pray...     

Heavenly Father, Your words comfort us, and we thank you for their insights and relevance in our current circumstances. Speak wisdom and peace into our hearts today, as we pray in Jesus’ name. AMEN.


             If we meditate and pray over Psalm 2, we'll find it carries a powerful message.


   Verse 1: Why are the nations angry?


 Lord Jesus, Russia is slamming the Ukraine and there is no peace in Gaza. Who really owns these lands, and will these nations ever enjoy peace?


Why do they waste their time with futile plans?


Are their rival intentions pointless? Their lust for power and supremacy has destroyed their compassion. They think they’re unstoppable, but throughout history, nations have swayed in a mighty tug of war, rising and falling, ever changing. When will you intervene, Lord?


Verse 2: The kings of the earth prepare for battle: the rulers plot together against the Lord and against his anointed one.

They imagine you are a myth, Lord, and they set their battle lines against you and each other, defying you and murdering their neighbours.


Verse 3: Let us break their chains and free ourselves from slavery from God.


   But they can’t mock you without reproach, despite their many attempts, and it reminds me of the French Revolution. The government abolished the Gregorian calendar to distance the French nation from Christianity. They failed when they defied your creation. After thirteen years, Napoléon reinstated God’s natural order of days, weeks, months, and years.

   In various modern countries, authorities forbid Christian worship, and they destroy Bibles and arrest your faithful believers. Their triumphs will eventually crumble. The world awaits the ultimate battle of nations when they’ll rise against you, the Messiah, to overthrow you. But you are the King of kings and the Lord of lords, and none can match your power, justice and authority.


 Verse 4 & 5: But the one who rules from heaven laughs. The Lord scoffs at them. Then, in anger, he rebukes them, terrifying them with his fierce fury.


Oh Jesus, in the last battle, you will appear in victory and majesty, riding a white horse, bearing the title of Faithful and True. You will rule with righteousness and justice. The world will see your blood-soaked robe and recognize you, the Word of God revealed, clothed in your majesty, leading by divine authority.

 Here are your heavenly Father’s promises:


Verse 6: “I have placed my chosen king on the throne in Jerusalem, on my holy mountain.”


During the Millennium, you will reign and will subdue all evil, ruling the world with absolute justice.


Verse 7-9: You are my son and today, I’ve become your Father. Only ask, and I’ll give you the earth as your possession. You will break them with an iron rod and smash them like clay pots.


You are God’s son, and your ultimate purpose on earth was to die and rise again. Your spilled blood paid for our sins. This gospel has traveled to the ends of the earth, but the spurners and those who defy your love and grace remain vulnerable to God’s wrath. I love your mercy, which continues to plead for their repentance.


Verse 10-12: Now then, you kings, act wisely! Be warned. You rulers of the earth! Serve the Lord with reverent fear and rejoice with trembling. Submit to God’s royal son or he will become angry, and you will be destroyed amid all your activities. For his anger flares in an instant, but what joy for all who take refuge in him!


Often God’s wrath shocks me, and I wonder if it’s contrary to his love until I remember his wrath may destroy us, but his mercy will save us. 

Jesus, please keep this warning fresh in my thoughts, always receptive to your love and alert to your gracious salvation.


I stand at the door (of your heart) and knock. Will you open the door and let me enter?

 Revelation 3:20.


 Since your love exceeds your wrath, I thank you for shelter under your wings, for cleansing my sin, and for the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Your love to us overflows with divine joy and peace.


What else can I discover in verse twelve?


Kiss the son, or he will be angry. This is verse twelve in the NIV translation. It describes a humble, loving kiss for God’s son. But Judas Iscariot gave you a traitorous kiss, representing everyone who repels and despises God’s love.

    What will I choose? Will I kiss the Son because I embrace his love and gracious gift of salvation? Or will I wait until I encounter his wrath to plead my case for justice?

  You, O Lord, have no mercy for unrepentant sin. Since God has chosen when you will judge the world, I should listen to this warning before that day dawns!

    If you belong to Jesus, your future is safe with him because he’ll guide and deliver you from this world’s trouble to transport you home to his Heavenly Father. Don’t let your heart be troubled. You believe in God. Believe also in me. John 14:1. Let’s banish our worries by trusting in Jesus, by knowing he possesses the power to defend us. He cares for his family. He'll support us in grief and sorrow. Whilst you watch the world fall apart, pray the Holy Spirit will draw hurting hearts to salvation and peace. The world will deteriorate until Jesus the King appears to begin his reign, but if we’re citizens of his kingdom, our inheritance is in heaven, and he is the basis of our hope, both now on earth and for eternity.


I worship you, King of kings, because God has given you all power and authority. I need not be afraid. Amen.






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